NANOMAN Shoe Protector Spray | Water Repellent
- A LITTLE BIT OF SPRAY GOES A VERY LONG WAY. Quick and easy to use (cure time 24 hours), UV Stable! Great for your shoes, seude boots, runners, canvas, jackets, clothing, socks and is snow, water, & dirt resistant.
- PERFECT FOR WHITE SHOES! Does not stain or small. Completely odour-free. Shoe and Fabric breathability remains; does not stain or change your fabric.
- SUITABLE FOR ALL SHOES & BOOTS; RUNNERS, SEUDE, LEATHER, YOU NAME IT. Simply wash off or sponge off spills! Will NOT STAIN or discolor your shoes or boots!
- SUPER LONG LASTING & DURABLE. NO RE-SPRAYING EVERY DAY OR WEEK. Aerosols spray the air. Nanoman sprays the object so you get more coverage, you don't use as much, you use less, saving you money.